The State of Our Schools
in Arizona
Program sponsored by the League of Women
Voters of Northern Arizona
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025
4:00pm – 5:30pm
Cottonwood Community Center
150 South 6th St
Cottonwood, AZ
Free Admission
Steve King-Superintendent of Schools, Yavapai County speaking about teacher retention and recruitment
Donna Davis-Education Forward, speaking about education bills before the assembly and what you can do to advocate for the things you care about
Beth Lewis-President, Save our Schools Arizona, speaking about Prop 123 and the issues related to school funding in our state
Speakers for State of our Schools
Donna Davis-Education Forward
Ms Davis spent 23 years as a military spouse traveling the world, arriving at Luke Air Force Base in July of 1990. As a result, her employment history is varied and includes teaching reading improvement at George AFB to teaching preschool at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, teaching English to Yemeni military soldiers and working at the American Embassy in Sana’a Yemen as the Community Liaison Officer. Since her arrival in the Phoenix area, she has been involved with agencies that focus on youth, education, and workforce development.
· Senior Community Impact Manager at Education Forward Arizona, 2020 to present
· Senior Community Engagement Manager at Expect More Arizona, 2010-2020
· Contractor/Consultant for Arizona Agricultural Education/FFA Foundation and Arizona K-12 Center, 2006–2008
Steve King-Yavapai County School Superintendent
In November of 2024 Steve was elected Yavapai County School Superintendent to serve a four-year term. King has served in pre-K through community college level public, charter and private schools in Arizona for the past thirty years as a teacher’s aide, teacher, assistant principal, technology director, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent. He has broad experience in school safety, law, finance, curriculum and instruction, special and alternative education, building projects, transportation, and community collaborations. He believes in the power of education in helping students to find their place and role as Americans and contributing members of our society. He has a passion for creating opportunities for children to discover their gifts and talents and is committed to growing and enhancing schools and programs.
Beth Lewis-Save our Schools Arizona
Beth Lewis is a mom, public education advocate, and K-12 policy expert who fights for a fully and equitably funded school for every Arizona child. As Director of Save Our Schools Arizona, Beth works to bring parents, educators, elected officials, business leaders, and community members together in support of Arizona’s public schools, which strengthen our communities and our great state. Beth has taught elementary and middle school in Arizona for 12 years and has been named a Rodel Exemplary teacher and Tempe Diablos Teacher of the Year Finalist. She holds a BA from the University of Notre Dame and a Master’s in Education from ASU.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization. That means we never support or oppose candidates or political parties. We do study, take positions and then advocate for our priorities.
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Rose O’Donnell,