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The State of Our Schools

in Arizona

Program sponsored by the League of Women

Voters of Northern Arizona

Monday, Feb. 24, 2025

4:00pm – 5:30pm

Cottonwood Community Center

150 South 6th St

Cottonwood, AZ

Free Admission



Steve King-Superintendent of Schools, Yavapai County speaking about teacher retention and recruitment


Donna Davis-Education Forward, speaking about education bills before the assembly and what you can do to advocate for the things you care about


Beth Lewis-President, Save our Schools Arizona, speaking about Prop 123 and the issues related to school funding in our state


Speakers for State of our Schools


Donna Davis-Education Forward

Ms Davis spent 23 years as a military spouse traveling the world, arriving at Luke Air Force Base in July of 1990. As a result, her employment history is varied and includes teaching reading improvement at George AFB to teaching preschool at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, teaching English to Yemeni military soldiers and working at the American Embassy in Sana’a Yemen as the Community Liaison Officer. Since her arrival in the Phoenix area, she has been involved with agencies that focus on youth, education, and workforce development.

·        Senior Community Impact Manager at Education Forward Arizona, 2020 to present

·        Senior Community Engagement Manager at Expect More Arizona, 2010-2020

·        Contractor/Consultant for Arizona Agricultural Education/FFA Foundation and Arizona K-12 Center, 2006–2008

Steve King-Yavapai County School Superintendent

In November of 2024 Steve was elected Yavapai County School Superintendent to serve a four-year term. King has served in pre-K through community college level public, charter and private schools in Arizona for the past thirty years as a teacher’s aide, teacher, assistant principal, technology director, principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent. He has broad experience in school safety, law, finance, curriculum and instruction, special and alternative education, building projects, transportation, and community collaborations. He believes in the power of education in helping students to find their place and role as Americans and contributing members of our society. He has a passion for creating opportunities for children to discover their gifts and talents and is committed to growing and enhancing schools and programs.


Beth Lewis-Save our Schools Arizona

Beth Lewis is a mom, public education advocate, and K-12 policy expert who fights for a fully and equitably funded school for every Arizona child. As Director of Save Our Schools Arizona, Beth works to bring parents, educators, elected officials, business leaders, and community members together in support of Arizona’s public schools, which strengthen our communities and our great state. Beth has taught elementary and middle school in Arizona for 12 years and has been named a Rodel Exemplary teacher and Tempe Diablos Teacher of the Year Finalist. She holds a BA from the University of Notre Dame and a Master’s in Education from ASU.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization. That means we never support or oppose candidates or political parties. We do study, take positions and then advocate for our priorities.


More information

Rose O’Donnell,


The League of Women Voters of the US Urges Congress to Act in New Letter

WASHINGTON — Today, the League of Women Voters of the United States and League chapters from all 50 states and the District of Columbia sent a letter to congressional leaders expressing strong concern over abandoning its duties and authorities under Article I of the US Constitution, urging leaders to address the unprecedented executive branch overreach threatening American democracy.  

In the detailed letter to Congress, the League — a nonpartisan organization with over one million members and supporters across all 50 states and the District of Columbia — highlighted several recent executive branch actions that are causing significant harm to millions of Americans, including the undermining of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, attempts to end birthright citizenship, pause distribution of congressionally allocated federal funds, and dismantle federal agencies without proper congressional oversight.  

Of particular concern is the creation of an unofficial "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE) with free rein to sensitive government systems and the summary removal of 17 inspectors general without the required congressional notice. Additionally, DOGE employees who lack security clearance have gained access to the Treasury Department payment systems and other sensitive data from different departments. These unauthorized personnel have prevented federal workers from entering their offices and can manipulate or stop payments to federal agencies, including USAID, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the US Department of Education.  

"The dismantling of our sacred democracy on full display for the world is one of the most horrific events in modern-day politics," said Celina Stewart, CEO of the League of Women Voters of the United States. "When the executive branch egregiously signals it will defy court orders and neglect the welfare of citizens, that is when Congress must be reminded of their duty to defend the Constitution. The League demands Congress act to prevent threats to the very fabric of our Republic.” 

"This is a critical moment for congressional oversight, and Congress must do its part to ensure that our great democracy is preserved and protected," said Marcia Johnson, chief counsel at the League. "The outcry from Americans speaking out against the impact of these executive orders should be all that is needed for Congress to stand in its authority and restore stability to our system of government." 

The letter emphasizes that while federal courts have already enjoined several of these executive actions, Congress has not exercised its constitutional oversight. The League and its supporters urge Congress to exercise its authority to protect the rule of law, defend the Constitution, and rein in the executive branch's overreach. Read the letter here.


Arizona for Abortion Access Campaign and League Involvement

It Passed!!

The abortion initiative (Arizona Proposition 139, Right to Abortion Initiative) was passed by the Arizona electorate.

About the Campaign

Arizona for Abortion Access is a coalition of reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations working to ensure Arizonans can make the decisions that are best for them and their families — free from government interference. This ballot initiative is supported by the ACLU of Arizona, Affirm Sexual and Reproductive Health, Arizona List, Healthcare Rising Arizona, Reproductive Freedom for All Arizona (formerly NARAL Arizona), and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona. Together, these organizations represent hundreds of thousands of Arizonans in every community and from every walk of life.

These trusted institutions have worked extensively together protecting and expanding abortion access over the years. They have now partnered to begin collecting signatures to place a constitutional amendment on the November 2024 ballot. This amendment will protect abortion access in Arizona and ensure every person can make this deeply personal decision with dignity.


About the Initiative

The “Arizona Abortion Access Act” would enshrine the fundamental right to abortion in Arizona’s constitution. If passed, this measure would ensure freedom for a person to make their own decision on abortion. This is a deeply personal decision that most Arizonans believe should be made without interference from the government. 


LWV’s Role in the Campaign

The LWV Arizona had a key role as a member of the field committee organized under the auspices of Health Care Rising (HCR). 


 State Advocacy

The League is a nonpartisan political organization. That means we never support or oppose candidates or political parties. We do study, take positions and then advocate for our priorities. At the state level this year our priorities for Advocacy, as chosen by our members and approved by the state board are:

  • Voting Rights
  • Women’s Rights
  • Education
  • Climate
  • Gun Safety
  • Criminal Justice
  • Ranked Choice Voting

Legislative Analysis Team – monitors AZ state legislation in these priority areas, studies the impact of bills, prepares testimony for our lobbyists and alerts members who may wish to contact their legislator, or express a position using the AZ Legislature Request to Speak System

Volunteer Lobby Core – members are trained and registered as League lobbyists. They attend Legislative committee meetings and testify on our behalf. Multiple volunteers are especially important when there are several committee meetings on a single day. Funds are available for transportation and parking for members outside of Metro Phoenix.

Advocacy Newsletter – generally sent weekly to subscribers during the Legislative season. Informs members of critical bills and suggests oppose or support with talking points. Sign up at

Request to Speak (RTS) – this is a wonderful, unique feature of the AZ Legislature. Any member registered on the site can express support or opposition to a bill before a committee hearing, as well as leave comments – which legislators do read! This is an easy and important way to become involved. Training is offered and we will help you register for the system. If you haven’t done this before – this is the year!

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