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Date: 1/8/2025
Subject: New Year 2025 League Lookout

New Year 2025 League Lookout - LWVNAZ News/Events Northern Arizona and Greater Verde Valley

LWVNAZ Members and Supporters:


We are changing our newsletter to a quarterly format covering events for the next few months, supplementing this with periodic emails on specific events.  We hope this new format will provide you with useful, timely information.


We are providing information that the League is sponsoring as well as information about events that you might find of interest. Feel free to share this information with anyone you think would benefit from this information!

To get information about other league activities, see our website.

Message from the Board



Hello fellow Leaguers,

Welcome to 2025! I hope your holidays were wonderful, however you celebrated.
The National League is adopting a new membership program that will go into effect on February 1st for new members. The only affect it will have on current members will be to request each member to create a profile on ChapterSpot, the new membership portal. Look for an email at the end of the month asking you to create a profile. You can read more information about the membership program below.
The Political Book Club is starting up again in January with some exciting new books. We are planning some interesting voter education programs for the upcoming year and hope to have several casual social events as well.
As you know, we are a volunteer-driven organization, so if you have suggestions for interesting programs or social events, or if you would like to volunteer, send an email to
Yours in league,
Kathy Henry

New Membership System

What is ChapterSpot?
ChapterSpot is a membership platform where you will be able to log in and update your own member information and renew your membership online.

Why is LWV adopting a unified membership system?
There are many benefits to this new system.
  • First, this will increase and diversify overall membership and accordingly will increase our ability to fulfill our mission.
  • Second, restructuring the dues model will increase the funding at the state and local levels where it is needed.
  • Third, adopting technology that streamlines membership will free up time for League leaders to focus on more substantive work.
What will the dues rate be?
Dues will be pay-what-you-can. The recommended dues rate will be $75, but you can pay any amount more than that, or any amount less than that to a minimum of $20. If your League’s current dues rate is higher than $75, you are encouraged to continue to pay the current dues rate to help the League maintain its current budget.

How much of my dues will go to my local League?
20% of dues will go to the local League, 47% will go to the state League, and 33% will go to LWVUS.

Can I make a contribution that goes exclusively to my local League?
Yes. On the page after you choose your dues rate, there will be an option to make a contribution directly to your local League. 100% of that donation will go to your League.

What payment methods can I use?
The preferred payment method is ACH, which is an electronic payment method that just requires typing in the numbers at the bottom of a check. This is preferred because it has the lowest fees and maximizes the amount of money going toward League work. The secondary option is to pay online by credit/debit card. It will also still be possible to pay by check as needed.

Can I still pay by check?
Yes. This is not the preferred method because this requires more time and effort from the League treasurer, but it is still possible. If you need to pay by check, the check should be made out to LWVUS and given to your League’s treasurer.

Are my dues tax-deductible?
Our League is not a 501(c)(3), so dues are not tax-deductible. However, you can donate separately to our Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3).

Will there still be household memberships?
No. You can still sign up for yourself and someone else, but it’s not designated as a household membership anymore. The recommended dues rate will be $150 (the individual recommended rate times two) and the minimum rate will be $40 (the minimum rate times two), but as with individuals, you can choose any amount, including the current household rate at your League.

Will there still be lifetime memberships?
Yes, those who have been members for 50 or more years will still be exempt from dues.

Will there still be student memberships?
No. The pay-what-you-can model is intended to extend the understanding of possible financial need to all members, including students. Some Leagues may choose to subsidize members to pay below the $20 minimum.

When will I renew?
You will renew a year after your last renewal (e.g. if you renew in October, you will renew again the following October). This is in contrast to some Leagues that currently have everyone renew at the same time each year.

How will I know it’s time to renew?
You will receive an email reminder from ChapterSpot when your expiration date is approaching.

Is there an easier way?
Yes! If you check the box for auto-renew, each year your membership will automatically renew for the same rate you previously chose. You will still receive a reminder email notifying you that the renewal is coming up, but you won’t need to do anything.

When does membership switch over to ChapterSpot?
At the end of January/beginning of February 2025.
Should I still renew before it switches over?
Yes, prior to ChapterSpot launching you should still renew as usual.

Is there anything else I need to do?
In January/February 2025, you will be asked to log in to the ChapterSpot portal for the first time to “claim your membership.” This just means that you will log in and be given the opportunity to fill out any membership information asked by your League.
What if I don’t have my own email address?
Your email address is your username for ChapterSpot, so it’s important that you include one, even if you’re only a sometimes internet user. This is the way you will receive renewal reminders and forgot password emails. Because your email is your username, you won’t be able to have the same one as someone else. If you currently share an email, we recommend setting up a second email address that can forward messages to the one you primarily use, and we have a step-by-step guide for how to do this.

Can I sign up to get fewer emails?
Yes. You can unsubscribe from some types of messages, such as fundraising emails or optional newsletters. As a member of the organization, some messages, such as those about your membership, are not optional.

What if I don’t use the internet?
You will not be required to access the portal. You can continue to write checks for your dues payments and your League’s roster manager can continue to input your information to the roster as needed.

Can I put in a second address if I live in different places at different times of the year?
Yes, you will be able to do that in the ChapterSpot portal.

What if I have additional questions later?
Please email with any questions.

Legislative Advocacy Team


The League of Women Voters is preparing for the 2015 Arizona State Legislative Session that will begin January 13, 2025, at the State Capital.


The League has identified their top priorities to advocate for:

  • Voting Rights/Election Security
  • Women’s Rights
  • Education
  • Climate (Water)

Additional priorities will be addressed as resources permit:

  • Ranked Choice Voting
  • Healthcare
  • Gun Safety
  • Immigration
  • Criminal Justice Reform

Carol Johnson (a local League Board member has signed up to be on the Legislative Action Team for Climate (Water)


Legislative Calendar Key Dates


The Legislative Session starts: Monday, January 13, 2025

Last Day for Senate Introduction of Bills: Monday, January 27, 2025

Last Day for House Introduction of Bills: February 3, 2025

Crossover Deadline: Sunday, March 16, 2025

The session is expected to adjourn Saturday, April 26. 2025


Now, it’s time to take action.


Join an Issue Team to help us resist harmful bills and champion legislation that benefits all Arizonans. Your voice, energy, and commitment are crucial to our success. Together, we can make our presence undeniable and our impact unstoppable.


Our issue teams are the core of our advocacy—and we need YOU! No experience? No problem. Each team works collaboratively, offering training, mentoring, and clear guidance so you can contribute meaningfully. Whether you’re a policy expert, passionate about public issues, or just eager to learn, there’s a place for you. With the right support, you can turn your skills into powerful advocacy. Join us and make your voice count!

To learn more about legislative advocacy, see Advocacy Program.




Political Book Club

The Political Book Club meets at 3:00 pm MST on the last Monday of the month.
The Political Book Club will kick off 2025 with a discussion of On Freedom by Timothy Snyder on January 27 via Zoom.
Those interested in joining the conversation may wish to listen to some interviews with Tim.
Links to YouTube clips are below:

Politics and Prose with Jamie Raskin

Author series at Hudson Library and Historical Society

Book Release event at Bexley Public Library

Discussion with Atlantic staff writer Gal Beckerman 

Interview with Leigh McGowan on Politics Girl Podcast  (Thought this interesting as we will be reading her book in April)

Books for the following months are:
February 24 - Shameless: Republicans Deliberate Dysfunction and the Battle to Preserve Democracy, by Brian Tyler Cohen
March 31 - War, by Bob Woodward
April 28 - A Return to Common Sense, by Leigh McGowan

The only requirement to join us is to have read the book. We are still meeting via Zoom. If you would like to join the group, contact to obtain the Zoom link for the meeting. 

Voter Education
A huge thank you to Maryann Kenney for all her work on our voter education programs. With big shoes to fill, we hope to bring programs about the struggles of local news media, One Person One Vote, School Funding, and the Federal Judiciary this year. If anyone is interested in joining our committee, please contact me or if you have ideas for programs send them my way: We believe that an informed electorate is key to the future of our democracy.

One Person One Vote

One Person One Vote - a program aimed at electing the President by direct popular vote.  For a short term approach LWV is supporting the growing popular Vote Compact which is an agreement by states that electoral votes will be awarded to the popular vote winner.  Several more states are needed for this to become effective.  The longer term approach is a Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electoral College.  This is a big, challenging goal that will take great effort, but accomplishing important things usually does.  To learn more, go to One Person One Vote Campaign or watch the League panel discussion here.

Other New Program Actions

  • Added a League Position to Support Local News
    • “The League of Women Voters believes it is the responsibility of the government to provide support for conditions under which credible local journalism can survive and thrive. The League defines local news as accurate, in-depth coverage of government entities, including but not limited to, city councils, county councils, county boards of commissioners, health departments, schools, and school boards.”
  • Launched a LWVUS-led, league wide study of the Federal Judiciary.This very critical and timely study is expected to be completed in one year.