Political Book Club
I. General Description
The members of the LWV NAZ Political Book Club seek to enhance their understanding of current political issues by reading and discussing books on government and public affairs. Books are selected by members of the group.
II. Time Frame
The LWV NAZ Political Book Club meets the last Monday of every month, except December. Meetings are from 3:00- 5:00 p.m.
III. Experience/Training Availability
Absolutely no prior knowledge is required.
IV. Potential Program Participant Roles
Participants must have read the book being discussed. The responsibility for facilitating the book discussion will be rotated among members of the group.
V. In Person/Remote
Meetings are held via Zoom.
VI. League Membership Requirements
Non-members who have read the selected book are welcome to join the discussion, but non-members cannot participate in the selection of books.
All activities are run by volunteers in our communities. We welcome your participation.